Do You Need ATV Insurance?

Do You Need ATV Insurance?
Do you own an ATV? You may be wondering if you need ATV insurance. In some cases it is obvious that you must have ATV insurance. For example, some states require insurance by law. If you are financing your ATV, you may also be required to obtain insurance. But what about ATV owners that don’t fit into either of those categories? Asking yourself the following questions will help you decide if ATV insurance makes sense for your situation.

Will You Be Traveling Off Property?

In some states, you are not required to have insurance if you will only be using your ATV on your own property, but you are required to have coverage if you will be on public land like a state park. In addition, if your ATV is damaged or stolen from your own property, it may be covered by your home insurance (depending on policy details), but it likely isn’t covered if something happens when you are away from home.

Can I Afford to Repair or Replace my ATV?

Insurance helps pay the cost of repair or replacement. If you are going without insurance, you need to realize that these costs will be out-of-pocket. If your ATV is stolen, will you be able to buy a new one? If you have an accident, can you pay for the necessary repairs?

Can I Afford to Pay for Property Damage or Medical Payments?

Unfortunately, accidents happen with ATVs. If you cause an accident that results in damage to someone else’s property or an injury to someone else, you will be held responsible. This means you will need to pay to repair their property and/or cover their medical costs. They may even file a lawsuit to recover damages. Insurance helps protect your finances in these situations.

Will My Health Insurance Cover Me if I Get Injured?

Consider what happens if you are injured in an ATV accident. Will your health insurance pay for your medical bills? What if another motorist didn’t see you and they caused the accident? Typically their insurance would pay for your medical bills, but what if they are not insured? If you have ATV insurance, your medical expenses can be covered.

Who Will be Driving?

Maybe you want to let your friends enjoy a ride on your ATV. Typical ATV insurance covers the vehicle and any riders as long as they have a valid driver’s license. Therefore you won’t have to worry about damage or injury even if you aren’t the one operating the ATV.

ATV insurance prevents you from becoming financially overwhelmed if you experience an incident. Your independent insurance agent will help you find the coverage you need.

Stay safe while off-roading. Call Flagler Insurance Agency at 239-274-9200 for more information on ATV insurance.